Looking for something new and innovative for you and the
kids to do this Memorial Day Weekend? Whether rain or shine these actives will
engage the brain creatively, pave a way for patriotic conversations, and open a
barrel of fun. This weekend is reserved for a time to appreciate the ones who
have fallen in order to give us the chance to enjoy the freedom we have. Some
fun facts to highlight this occasion stem from Waterloo N.Y May 5th
1866 where for the first time, businesses closed their doors so that everyone
could lay American flags next to the graves of the fallen. Then in 1971,
Congress chose to move the holiday to the last Monday in May in order to
provide a 3 days weekend for the public. So in remembrance of the brave men and
women of our Country, take some time and enjoy the company of friends and
family with fun activates like Egg-Carton Uncle Sam, or building your own
Patriotic Wind Sock!
Egg-Carton Uncle Sam
Patriotic Wind Sock