June 15, 2016

Make Dad A Homemade Paperweight For Father’s Day

What dad wouldn’t love a paperweight created by his kids? This is the perfect craft for any businessman to have in his office as a daily reminder of how his kids feel about him. You could even make two of these crafts. You could make one rock say Dad and the other one say Rocks. You’d have a set of paperweights instead of just one.

a.      What you need for this craft
                                                              i.      1 rock heavy enough to weigh down paper, about a palm size
                                                            ii.      Acrylic paint or Kwik Stix which dry even faster! (use whatever color is your dad’s favorite color)
                                                          iii.      Gold glitter glue
                                                           iv.      Paintbrush
                                                             v.      Acrylic sealer spray
                                                           vi.      Black marker
                                                         vii.      Soap and Water
                                                       viii.      Towel
                                                           ix.      Gift Bag

b.      How to make this Father’s Day craft with your kids
                                                              i.      Choose a rock that is heavy enough to hold papers down without getting blown away.
                                                            ii.      Wash rock and be sure you get all of the cracks and crevices.
                                                          iii.      Wipe the water off with a towel.
                                                           iv.      Allow rock to air dry.
                                                             v.      When rock is thoroughly dry, paint with acrylic paint.
                                                           vi.      Once the paint is dry add a second coat.
                                                         vii.      Once this coat is dry, add a thin layer of the glitter glue.
                                                       viii.      Once your layer of glitter glue is dry, write the words “Dad rocks” on the rock
                                                           ix.      Allow to dry overnight.
                                                             x.      Get an adult to spray the whole surface of the rock with the acrylic sealer.

                                                          xi.      Put in a decorative bag to give to Dad on Father’s day.

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